2008 Local Government Elections

Click Here for the Official Declaration of Results
PUBLIC NOTICE is given to the electors of the Regional District of Nanaimo that a general local election will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2008 to elect one Director from each of the following Electoral Areas - 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'F', 'G' and 'H', for a three year term commencing December 2008 and terminating in December 2011.
Current Notices
- Drinking Water & Watershed Protection Service - Electoral Areas A, B, C, E, F, G & H
- Burning Restrictions - Electoral Area E
- Yellowpoint Waterloo Fire Protection Service Area - Portion of Electoral Areas A & C
- Advance Voting Places
- Notice of Nomination 2008 - RDN Electoral Area Directors
- Notice of Nomination 2008 - Islands Trust Trustees
Candidate Information
- Nomination Packages - Submitted by candidates for the positions for RDN Electoral Area Director
- Candidate Addresses and Phone Numbers - Information on how to contact all RDN and Islands Trust candidates
General Information
- RDN Local Elections 2008 Newsletter - Information on where to vote on Election Day, advance voting opportunities, qualificationsto vote, election candidates, and details on both referendums and the plebiscite.
- Election Day Voting Places
- Qualifications For Voting
- Qualifications For Nomination - RDN Director or Islands Trust Trustee
Referendum and Plebiscite Information
- Referendum on Drinking Water and Watershed Protection
This referendum is being conducted to determine whether residents of Electoral Areas A, B, C, E, F, G, and H are in favour of establishing a regional function for Drinking Water and Watershed Protection. The function would enable the RDN to proceed with its Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Action Plan, a strategy for sustaining regional water resources and watershed planning. Regional Watershed Protection would also become part of the RDN's daily operations.- RDN Bylaw 1556 - A Bylaw to Establish a Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Service (subject to referendum)
- RDN Action for Water - In 2008 the RDN launched the Action for Water campaign to publicize the referendum and the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Action Plan. This section of the website includes details on the referendum, the Action Plan, media coverage, Action for Water public meetings, and frequently asked questions.
- Referendums on fire protection within a portion of the Yellowpoint Waterloo Fire Protection Service area
These referendums are being conducted to determine whether residents in the western portion of the Yellowpoint Waterloo Fire Protection Service area, are in favour of adopting RDN Bylaw 1549, which would authorize the Regional District to borrow up to $560,000 to purchase firefighting vehicles and equipment to be located in the firehall station on Hallberg Road. The intent is to purchase up to two vehicles as well as firefighting gear for volunteers. The amount borrowed would be repaid over a 15 year period. The firehall would be operated by the Cranberry Fire District. A second referendum question seeks residents approval to enter into an agreement with the Cranberry Fire District which would result in the transfer of ownership of the equipment, the firehall and the land at Hallberg Rd. to the Cranberry Fire District once the debt is repaid.- RDN Bylaw 1549 - A Bylaw to Authorize Borrowing for the Purpose of Constructing, Acquiring, and Upgrading Fire Protection Assets (subject to referendum)
- Fire Protection Referendum Information - This page includes details on the referendum and a map of the affected service area.
- Plebiscite on Burning Restrictions for Electoral Area E
This plebiscite is being conducted to determine whether residents of Electoral Area E are in favour of establishing local burning restrictions. The plebiscite will not directly result in new burning restrictions; however it will be used to help the RDN consider establishing burning restrictions in Area E.- RDN Report - Burning Restrictions - September, 2008 RDN staff report recommending a plebiscite on burning restrictions
- Plebiscite Information - This page includes frequently asked questions and answers about the plebiscite.