Climate Change Plans and Data

Climate Change Plans and Data

The RDN is committed to leading in climate adaptation and mitigation, integrating this commitment into all services. The RDN has also developed dedicated plans to support community climate adaptation and mitigation, while striving for corporate carbon neutrality by 2032. For more details about the RDN's climate change actions and progress, explore the sections below.

* What's New? * 

  • Climate Projections for the Regional District of Nanaimo (June 2024 Release)
  • Updated Community Emissions inventory released (2021 data)
  • Climate Action Technical Advisory Committee Implementation Status Report Released


Climate Projections for the Regional District of Nanaimo

The Regional District of Nanaimo worked with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) at the University of Victoria to develop climate projections for our area. This work helps us understand what the predictions of the latest global climate models likely mean for the future climate of our Region, including anticipated changes to temperature highs/lows, and estimated frequency and intensity of rainfall events, dry spells and heat events. 

A summary report is available here:  Climate Projections for the Regional District of Nanaimo

Do you have questions about the report or the associated data products?  Read our FAQ.

The project produced extensive data sets for our area and for sub-regions (e.g. specific water regions, high and low elevations). Check out the data guide to find out what data sets and raster maps are available for use, then send an inquiry to sustainability [at]

Data, maps and the report are all available for use by our consultants, municipal partners, area residents, and RDN staff in policy assessment, modeling and design projects, helping ensure that we have the data needed to prepare for the anticipated effects of climate change in our area.   

This work benefitted from the input of staff from City of Nanaimo, Town of Qualicum Beach, District of Lantzville and City of Parksville, as well as Vancouver Island University and area consultants.


2021 Community Emissions Inventory for the Regional District of Nanaimo

* NEW 2023 * 

The RDN worked with Stantec Consulting to develop a regional community greenhouse gas inventory for 2021. This year was chosen as it is the most recent year when most complete external data was available. The inventory report includes a comparison to our 2007 baseline year emissions so that we can understand trends over time. While the RDN has published earlier emission inventories, this current inventory work uses an updated methodology (GCP Basic +) and includes more emission sources than previous inventories. This means results published here for our 2007 are different than previous inventory estimates.  


The full report is posted here to help our residents can gain a better understanding of regional emission sources and trends.

As with all community greenhouse gas inventories, the numbers are estimates only and are based on the best data available to the project team at the time of the inventory work. The inventory is best used to draw general trends and understand relative contribution of different sources to community emissions. 

Climate Action Technical Advisory Committee Final Report and Status Reports

The RDN's Climate Action Technical Advisory Committee (CATAC) was established in 2020 to provide advice and recommendations to the RDN board on emerging climate issues and to update the RDN's strategy for community climate mitigation and adaptation. The final report can be viewed below.

CATAC report

CATAC Final Report

The report has three main components:

Components of CATAC

Action is prioritized by allocating resources to key areas with high potential for success and impact within the RDN context. We recognize existing RDN climate adaptation and mitigation measures within key work programs and emphasize the need for ongoing support. The CATAC Terms of Reference prioritizes integrated approaches to support both adaptation and mitigation, reducing costs and addressing top priorities efficiently.

The CATAC was comprised of local experts in engineering, renewable energy, hydrology, resource management and land use planning, among other fields, working collaboratively with elected officials. In November 2021, the RDN Board approved the CATAC's final report, which specifies top priority actions for improving community climate adaptation and mitigation within the RDN. The CATAC now advises on the implementation of these recommendations. More information on current Committee activities can be found here.

To access information about previous and upcoming meetings, including meeting agendas and minutes, click here.


The CATAC recommends these top three priorities for immediate action:

CATAC Immediate Actions


Supported by the following elements:

Equity  Equity

• Ensuring all climate adaptation and mitigation work is equity centered.

• Using the Urban Sustainability Directors Network Guidelines for equity during program development and implementation to better ensure equity-centered climate action. 

• Costs to implement guidelines be included in program budgets.

Prof. quality education and outreach  Professional quality education and outreach

• Prioritizing action requires robust support through board, staff, and public awareness.

• Allocating adequate budgets and resources for professional, equity-informed outreach.

• Creating well-designed outreach budgets for programs that are dependent on public participation or voter support to drive action and ensure equity.

• Allocating resources for internal programs, like Sustainable Procurement, for staff awareness and effective adoption.

• Leveraging existing educational tools, adjusting for local needs.

Active Advocacy Active Advocacy

• The RDN cannot achieve effective climate adaptation and mitigation on its own, so each priority that relies on other jurisdictions/stakeholders (e.g., other levels of government, private landowners, industry) for effective implementation needs to develop and implement a clear advocacy plan

• Advocacy plans must include both collaborative advocacy (e.g., through UBCM resolutions and coordinated lobbying efforts with other local governments) and advocacy driven by the RDN.

Collab Collaboration and Regional Participation

• Implementation of each priority should be supported by an assessment for potential collaboration with, and active outreach to other jurisdictions, local NGOs, or potential industry partners.

• Directing staff across all departments to support collaborative efforts, including through project management with interdepartmental teams, can support this.

• Engaging with and supporting existing opportunities that move local government interests forward (e.g., VICC-CLP, Help Cities Lead) can help deliver more cost-effective solutions.

Interdepartmental approaches Interdepartmental approaches

• All the RDN’s major strategies and initiatives need to advance climate adaptation and mitigation.

• Ensuring this is done efficiently across the RDN and different strategies are mutually supportive, and ensuring staff from other departments, not just the lead department, are involved in strategy development. 

Reporting  Reporting, Accountability and adaptive approaches

• Requiring regular, public-facing reports on progress through a formal reporting framework and standard (e.g., Carbon Disclosure Project), including an annual report and budgeting for acquisition of baseline, trending and reporting data across the RDN.

• Support higher level reporting by program level targets and reporting to track implementation within all RDN services.

• A triple bottom line reporting approach is recommended.

• Reporting keeps the electorate informed of progress on climate adaptation and mitigation measures, enables them to see policy results in action, and provides the Board with readily accessible, replicable progress results.

• Action should not be delayed by a lack of data but adapted as data becomes available and external supports change.


* NEW October 2023 * 

Find out how implementation is proceeding by checking out the quick report card below, or the more detailed 2022/2023 Status Implementation Report. 


CATAC Report Card

Corporate Carbon Neutral 2032 Plan

The RDN adopted the Corporate Carbon Neutral 2032 Plan (CCNP) in April 2021. The CCNP identifies 34 actions required to reduce emissions from RDN services in support of carbon neutrality over the long term. The RDN’s corporate emissions originate from both stationary sources (such as building/facility space heating, hot water, and electricity consumption) and mobile sources (including the RDN vehicle fleet, contracted services like waste haulage, and smaller equipment like that used for landscaping).

Graph CCNP

Plan implementation is guided by best practices for carbon reduction, prioritizing energy conservation/optimization and efficiency, the looking at fuel switching, and only using carbon offsets when necessary.


The plan recognizes the integrated nature of climate action and that change is needed across different areas to support effective climate action within our operations:

CCNP Integrated processes

Some key actions include:

  •  Fleet electrification
  •  Update of RDN sustainable building standards
  •  Implementation of a comprehensive deep energy retrofit program for RDN facilities
  •  Integration of corporate carbon neutral actions in to asset management and financial plans
  •  Identification of high value heat recovery opportunities within RDN facilities

Read the report below: 

CCNP Cover Page

Corporate Carbon Neutral 2032 Plan

Provincial Reporting

Since 2014, the RDN has reported on corporate (Regional operations) GHG emissions to the B.C. Government. From 2014 - 2020, the RDN reported through the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). As of 2022, the RDN reports through the Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP).  

Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP) Reports

The RDN allocates LGCAP funds to support a range of climate-related initiatives, including on-the-ground climate action, decarbonization of our facilities, public outreach, and programs designed to assist residents in adapting to climate change. 

To be eligible for funding through the LGCAP program, RDN provides annual reports to the provincial government. These reports provide details on Emission Reduction Goals, which outline specific greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for the reporting year, and Emission Sources, which break down major sources of greenhouse gas emissions within the RDN. They also cover Actions and Initiatives, listing measures to adapt to and build resilience to climate impacts, including community projects and adaptation measures, that help us work towards our reduction goals, and to reduce risk and increase resilience. These reports are vital tools for tracking RDN's emissions reduction progress, ensuring transparency, and demonstrating its commitment to climate action to both the provincial government and the community. You can access previous reports below.



Past CARIP Reports

The Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) was replaced with LGCAP and was a conditional grant program that provided funding to Climate Action Charter signatories equivalent to one-hundred percent of the carbon taxes that they paid directly. This funding supported local governments in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and move forward on achieving their climate action goals.
Past CARIP Reports summarize actions taken by the RDN to reduce corporate and community-wide emissions and reports on progress towards achieving carbon neutrality. 

Partners for Climate Protection

The RDN has been part of the the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) since 2002. The PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to acting on climate change. 

Past Work

Community Energy and Emissions Plan

In 2013, the RDN completed the Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP). The CEEP provides an energy use and emission inventory for the RDN and member municipalities for the year 2007, a forecast for emissions to the year 2050, establishes an aspirational emission reduction target of 80% below 2007 levels by 2050; and outlines the range of reduction measures necessary to achieve that target. 

As of 2023, we have updated our inventory; however, the CEEP remains the primary point of reference for our reduction targets. Read the 2013 report below: 


Community Energy and Emissions Plan