Get Prepared

Get Prepared 

Being prepared for an emergency can reduce the impact it has on you, your family, your property and your community. Whether it’s creating a plan for your home and loved ones, understanding how to reduce home hazards, or preparing by building a stay-at-home emergency kit and grab-and-go bag, we’ve got tips and resources for you to prepare at home, school, work, in your car and for your pet(s), farm or small business. 

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Useful links

Environment and Natural Resources Canada - Weather

Learn about BC weather conditions and forecast by locations plus

  • Weather radar
  • Satellite
  • Charts
  • Aviation
  • Text bulletins

Power outage safety and more

Learn about BC Hydro's

  • Power outages
  • Electrical safety
  • Emergency preparation
  • Trees and powerlines 
  • Powerlines and your health

Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness BC

Learn about 

  • EmergencyInfoBC
  • PreparedBC
  • Emergency Alerts
  • ClimaeReadyBC
  • Disaster Financial Assistance 
  • Disaster mitigation programs for communities
  • Provincial emergency plans
  • Public safety lifeline volunteers

Public Health Agency of Canada

Learn about the Public Health Agency of Canada is part of the federal health portfolio. Activities focus on protecting against threats to public health, preventing and reducing diseases and injury, and promoting health, well-being and equity.

Health Emergency Management BC 

Health Emergency Management BC (HEMBC) is a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) which provides emergency management leadership and support to the B.C. health system, including all regional health authorities, PHSA and the Ministry of Health. At its core, HEMBC is working to create a more resilient health-care system that can effectively mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of emergency events. HEMBC works with its partners to ensure the safety of patients and staff and the continuity of health services during emergencies. HEMBC has three primary program areas:

BC Wildfire Service 

Learn about 

  • Current wildfire situation
  • Latest news
  • Fire prohibitions and restrictions
  • BC Wildfire Service mobile app
  • Information and resources 


From the BC Ministry of Transportation and Transit access DriveBC map views, current conditions, webcams, and tools to plan your route, check CV height clearance, border delays and major events. 

Emergency Preparedness for Industry and Commerce Council

EPICC is a non-profit government endorsed society supported by and for the benefit of business and institutions throughout British Columbia, to influence and help businesses prepare for emergencies and disasters.

EPICC provides a supportive forum in which businesses are encouraged to effectively practice emergency management procedures with a goal of surviving potential disasters. Membership is open to all sizes of business, levels of government and other organizations.

Avalanche Canada

Learn about

  • Canadian Avalanche Association
  • Public avalanche bulletins
  • Snowline association - facts

Canadian Red Cross

Learn about 

  • Disaster services
  • Water safety services
  • FAQ's

Disaster Financial Assistance

Learn about DFA and access information on the eligibility criteria for the disaster financial assistance program that is in place to help replace or restore uninsurable essential items that are damaged or destroyed in a disaster situation.

BC Ambulance (BC Emergency Health Services)

BC Emergency Health Services provides pre-hospital emergency services and inter-facility [patient transfers throughout the province and oversees the BC Ambulance Service and BC Patient Transfer Services.

St. John Ambulance

Learn about St. John Ambulance

  • Health and safety training
  • Safety Tips