Service Commitment
- We'll do everything in our power to ensure that you have a safe ride.
- The operator will not put the bus in motion until you've had an opportunity to sit down at the first available seat. If you pass the first seat, the bus may start moving, so make sure you use the handholds.
- For safety reasons, we try to keep the front seats available for use by the elderly and persons with disabilities. The bus operator may ask other passengers to move so all passengers can be seated quickly.
- Our operators are trained professionals. They will always operate the bus in a safe manner. They won't speed or drive recklessly even when behind schedule.
- Regional Transit follows a strict preventive maintenance program but service breakdowns can happen.
- Should a bus break down, a replacement bus will be dispatched immediately and we'll get you on your way, with as little delay as possible.
- Depending on conditions, buses may run slightly late at times.
- Our operators should always act in a friendly and courteous manner.
- Operators are able to handle basic questions about the system, about fares, about upcoming detours. They also will have copies of the Rider‘s Guide if you require one.
- Our drivers are happy to help you with your questions when time is available to do so. Some preplanning using our Website will be helpful in answering your questions before you leave on your trip.
- Please remember, the bus operator has a very important job. For safety sake, don't engage an operator in a conversation that might distract him or her from the job.
- At Regional Transit we strive to provide you with information that is accurate, timely, and easy to access.
- Information on schedules and routes is available from many sources:
- Schedules located around town at ticket vendor locations, libraries, municipal offices, and of course on our buses. This Website contains all route and schedule information plus additional information on Regional Transit services, fares, and programs.
- Regional Transit Automated Information lines: Nanaimo Area: 250-390-4531 Parksville/Qualicum Beach Area: 250-954-1001
- Regional Transit buses are cleaned regularly inside and out to ensure our passengers ride in clean, appealing vehicles.
- Regional Transit works hard to provide passengers with buses that are cool in the summer and warm in the winter. We're working to replace older buses with a more modern fleet with padded seating, big windows, and a smooth ride.