Disaster Financial Assistance

Disaster Financial Assistance 

For financial assistance after a disaster, check out the Province of British Columbia’s guide for individuals, small businesses, farms and charitable organizations below.

The following applies if the province has declared the event eligible for Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA). Once declared, the DFA program can provide applicants with assistance to restore uninsurable losses that are essential. Learn more about

  • Application Process
  • Step 1: Eligible events 
  • Step 2: Review eligible expenses 
  • Step 3: Submit application 
  • Determination and appeals 
  • Province of BC DFA contact information 

Access the above information at: Financial assistance in a disaster - Province of British Columbia 

If you are an Indigenous community or local government 

The process is different. Go to: DFA for community recovery

If you need more help with government services 

Service BC can provide support when accessing Government of British Columbia programs and services. Assistance is available in over 220 languages and for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. Visit Get help with government services for more information. Assistance is available Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time.