Emergency Operations Centre
During an emergency, the Regional District of Nanaimo can activate an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). The EOC is a location where key RDN staff, first responder representatives, agencies and organizations gather to deliver a coordinated response to an emergency.
Authority to activate the EOC
An EOC may be activated by any one of the following:
- An Incident Commander within the EOC’s jurisdiction
- Persons named in the local government's emergency plan and/or EOC plan such as: EOC Director, Emergency Program Coordinator, City Manager / Administrator, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Mayor or Elected Officials, etc.
- Director of the Provincial Emergency Program following a Provincial Declaration of State of Emergency
Source: EOC Operational Guidelines.pdf (Province of BC)
Activation criteria
Suggested criteria for activating the EOC includes:
- Significant number of people at risk
- Response coordination required because of - Large or widespread event - Multiple emergency sites - Several responding agencies
- Resource coordination required because of - Limited local resources, and - Significant need for outside resources
- Uncertain conditions - Possibility of escalation of the event - Unknown extent of damage
- Potential threat to people, property and/or environment
- Declaration of a State of Local Emergency is made
Source: EOC Operational Guidelines.pdf (Province of BC)
Declaration not required
The EOC may be activated with or without a Declaration of a State of Local Emergency or Provincial Emergency; however, it must be activated once a Declaration has been made.
Source: EOC Operational Guidelines.pdf (Province of BC)
Activation levels
EOC Activation Level | Event / Situation |
One |
Two |
Three |
The Emergency Operations Centre Director will terminate the EOC activity for the current incident and notify all participants. The Director must consider the requirements of termination virtually from the outset. The Demobilization Unit Coordinator supervises and administers the termination process, staying behind, if necessary, after the EOC is closed. Suggested criteria for terminating EOC operations includes:
- Individual EOC functions are no longer required
- A State of Local Emergency is lifted
- Coordination of response activities and/or resources is no longer required
- Event has been contained and
- Emergency personnel have returned to regular duties
Source: EOC Operational Guidelines.pdf (Province of BC)
The number of staff required in the RDN's Emergency Operations Centre will vary depending on the emergency. With the support of the RDN Emergency Services team, RDN staff, volunteers and representatives from first responder agencies, local governments and authorities test the activation, set-up, and operation of the EOC to ensure its readiness and effectiveness.
Useful links
- Local emergency response operations - Province of British Columbia
- Declaring a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) (Province of BC)
- Emergency alerts (Province of BC)
- Evacuation resources (Province of BC)
- Emergency response operations (Province of BC)