Past Projects

Program 2 – Water Resource Inventory and Monitoring
Englishman River Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
The RDN partnered with Mid Vancouver Island Habitat Enhancement Society to better understand how water moves underground and into the Englishman River. In dry summer months, when the snow has melted from the mountains, groundwater plays a very important role in rivers by helping supply cool, fresh water for fish and people. See a video of the presentation with the findings of the two year study.

Program 2 – Water Resource Inventory and Monitoring
Cassidy-South Wellington Water Quality Survey
In 2011, the RDN and the MOE worked with local well owners to monitor groundwater quality in the Cassidy and South Wellington area. Volunteers provided access to their wells for water quality testing for over 40 parameters including bacteria and metals, at no cost to them. This localized study provided valuable information on the natural state of the aquifer and how its health may be impacted by human activities. A presentation summarizing the results is now available.

Program 3 – Land Use Planning and Development