Agendas, Minutes & Webcasting

Agendas, Minutes & Videos

Welcome to the Regional District of Nanaimo's Agendas, Minutes & Videos database where you can find information about meeting agendas, minutes and video recordings below. Information about meetings earlier than July 2019 can be found in the Calendar of Events.

Meetings of the RDN Board, Standing Committees, Select Committees, and the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Technical Advisory Committee are broadcast online, with the exception of the Board of Variance. The public is invited to watch meetings on the live feed. To view the live feed for a meeting, click on the appropriate tab on the calendar below, click on the desired meeting, and then select the Live Feed option. To access the closed captioning, select the CC icon at the bottom right of the video. Please note that the live feed link is not available until approximately 10 minutes prior to the start time of the meeting. For those without a device on which to view the live feed, a physical meeting location is listed for each meeting where the public can attend in limited numbers to watch the live feed. Advisory Committee meetings, with the exception of the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Technical Advisory Committee, are not broadcast online. However, a physical meeting location is listed for each meeting where the public can attend in limited numbers to watch the meeting. 

To apply to appear as a delegation at a meeting, please see Appearing as a Delegation.

To view time-stamped videos (this feature is only available for past meetings which were broadcasted) select the desired meeting from the Calendar or List and choose Agenda (HTML). Select any linked item in the agenda to automatically move to that point in the video. Please note, Board of Variance meetings, as well as Advisory Committee meetings (with the exception of the Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Technical Advisory Committee) are not livestreamed and therefore time-stamped videos are not available.

*Oceanside Services Committee meeting videos from May 16, 2019 to February 13, 2020 are stored on the Regional District of Nanaimo's YouTube site.  

Click here to view the 2024 Board and Electoral Area Services Committee Regular Meeting Schedule

*Please note that meeting minutes posted online are not official until they are adopted at the following meeting.

Disclaimer: Regular Board, Committee of the Whole, Electoral Area Services Committee and Oceanside Services Committee meetings that are open to the public are webcast using live-streaming video technology and recorded for video-on-demand access for subsequent viewing. By speaking at these meetings, you are consenting to disclosure of any personal information made evident through your speech or presentation materials. Personal information may include your image, name, address and personal opinions. Individuals presenting to the Board are requested to respect third-party information by not disclosing the personal information of others without their consent.

The documents provided on this website are for information purposes only and are not the official versions. To verify the accuracy of this information, please contact the Legislative Services Department at 250-390-4111, or inquiries [at] (inquiries[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca).