Where to Buy Transit Passes

RDN handyDART (Custom Transit) fare products can be purchased at the following locations: 

Parksville/Qualicum Beach

Location Address Phone Number
City Of Parksville 100 E Jensen Ave. 250-248-6144
Oceanside Place: Wembley Mall 830 W Island Hwy 250-248-3252
Ravensong Pool 737 Jones St 250-752-5014
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 143 2nd St 250-752-6691


Location Address Phone Number
Bowen Road General Store 1702 Bowen Road 250-753-4377
Central Drugs 2220 Bowen Road, Beban Plaza 250-758-7711
Central Drugs 7186 Lantzville Road 250-390-4423
Country Grocer  1800 Dufferin Crescent (Dufferin and Bowen) 250-595-5525
Country Grocer 1824 Cedar Road 250-722-7010
Fairway Markets     Nanaimo North Town Centre (Rutherford Mall) 250-729-2611
Jingle Pot General Store 2211 Jingle Pot Road 250-753-4042
Kiwanis House 1233 Kiwanis Crescent 250-753-6471
London Drugs Nanaimo North Town Centre (Rutherford Mall) 250-760-2030
London Drugs Port Place Mall (Harbour Park) 250-753-5566
Man Lee Oriental Food & Gifts 385 S. Terminal Avenue 250-753-6133
Mid Island Co-op: Bowen Road 2517 Bowen Road 250-758-2933
Mid Island Co-op: Brooks Landing 1901 Highland Boulevard 250-729-9240
Mid Island Co-op: Cranberry 1350 Cranberry Avenue 250-753-5152
Mid Island Co-op: Harewood 877 Bruce Avenue 250-753-3843
Mid Island Co-op: Victoria Crescent 60 Victoria Crescent 250-753-5152
Mid Island Co-op: Woodgrove 6673 Mary Ellen Drive 250-390-3553
Nanoose First Nation 700 Capilano Road, Lantzville 250-933-6996
Northridge General Store 10-5800 Turner Road (Turner Rd at Uplands) 250-756-4427
Oak Tree Manor 325 Hecate Street 250-716-1799
Pharmasave 1-1273 Island Highway 250-755-1830
Regional District of Nanaimo - Transit Office 6300 Hammond Bay Road 250-390-4531
Rexall Drugs 1750 Dufferin Crescent at Bowen Road 250-753-6655
Shoppers Drug Mart #38-3200 Island Hwy, North, Country Club Mall 250-756-4991
Shoppers Drug Mart Unit 102-510 Fifth Street. University Village (formerly Harewood Mall) 250-753-8234
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy #33 - 1150 Terminal Ave. N. (Terminal Park) 250-591-4933
Vancouver Island Health Authority  Hospital Room P1022 1200 Dufferin Cr. 250-740-2681
Vancouver Island University (for VIU Students only) Building 193-900-Fifth Street 250-754-8866
Wal-Mart Lotto Centre Woodgrove Mall - Mary Ellen Drive 250-390-2344

(List updated: March 18, 2025)