Nanaimo Regional Hospital District

Nanaimo Regional Hospital District

The Nanaimo Regional Hospital District (NRHD) is an independent entity and its sole purpose is to provide capital funding for designated facilities which includes equipment, land and physical structures. The NRHD has its own budget and is governed by a Board of Directors. 

Investing in Healthcare

Read about the priority projects and actions the NRHD is taking to improve healthcare in our region below.

Priority Projects

The Nanaimo Regional Hospital District (NRHD) has confirmed its five major areas of focus for capital planning and advocacy are the patient tower replacement, new cancer centre, cardiac catheterization lab and a new high acuity unit, all to be located at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH), and a long-term care facility in the region.

These projects are desperately needed to provide the region with the healthcare facilities and services required to better serve the growing and aging population. With Nanaimo identified as one of the fastest-growing cities in the country, the strain on our healthcare system will only continue to increase.


Healthcare in our region is under-resourced and impacts us all. The NRHD Select Committee will lead the development of an advocacy strategy for the five priority projects. This will be an evolving and collaborative process, drawing on expertise from First Nations, stakeholders and community leaders. The strategy will highlight the stark difference in the standard of healthcare between the south island and the central/north island regions and why these projects need to be a provincial priority to close this gap.

Project Funding

While regional hospital district funding may vary to some extent across the province, typically the Nanaimo Regional Hospital District (NRHD), like other hospital districts, provides 40 per cent funding for capital equipment and capital projects for local health facilities, and the Province, through Island Health, provides the remaining 60 per cent of the capital funding. Island Health is responsible for delivering healthcare services on Vancouver Island. Island Health pools both Provincial and NRHD funding, along with other sources such as charitable foundations, to maintain, improve and build healthcare facilities.

For the priority projects, the NRHD will commit to 40 per cent of the capital costs of the NRGH patient tower replacement, cardiac catheterization lab, new high acuity unit and new long-term care facility, and advocate that the costs related to the cancer centre be paid 100 per cent by the Province. If the Province approves these projects, the NRHD will be ready to proceed.

Saving for the Future

For these projects to be feasible, we need to start saving now. Significant tax increases are required to meet this commitment. The NRHD tax requisition was almost doubled in 2022 and there is a 28.2 per cent tax requisition increase in 2023, with 28.2 per cent planned for successive years. The goal is to accumulate the reserves to reduce the reliance on debt and prepare the NRHD to meet its partnership funding obligations for these larger priority projects that are urgently required in the region. This robust financial plan is a clear and resolute indication to the Province that our communities are committed to seeing these projects realized.


What is a Regional Hospital District?

Regional Hospital Districts provide annual capital funding to health authorities in support of local healthcare facilities under the Hospital District Act. The health authority the NRHD provides funding to is Island Health.

What facilities does NRHD funding support?

NRHD funding supports Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Oceanside Health Centre and three care facilities; Dufferin Place in Nanaimo, Trillium Lodge in Parksville and Eagle Park Health Care Facility in Qualicum Beach.

What percentage of funding does the NRHD provide?

The NRHD provides 40 percent of the funding for capital equipment and capital projects for local health facilities, and the Province, through Island Health, provides the remaining 60 percent of the capital funding.

Where does the funding come from?

For the NRHD, the funding is comprised of annual minor capital grants for equipment and projects funded through a tax requisition as well as major capital project support, which is funded through borrowing.

Who determines the funding amount?

Each year, Island Health reviews priority projects and determines the cost of implementing those projects. They submit a request and the NRHD determines if they will fund 40 percent of the projects requested and adds the information to the budget for the coming year. Hospital Districts are required to approve a provisional budget on or before December 31 each year.

Who sits on the NRHD Board?

Janice Perrino (Chair), Ian Thorpe (Acting Chair), Jessica Stanley, Vanessa Craig, Lauren Melanson, Bob Rogers, Leanne Salter, Lehann Wallace, Stuart McLean, Teunis Westbroek, Doug O'Brien, Sean Wood, Mark Swain, Leonard Krog, Sheryl Armstrong, Paul Manly, Tyler Brown, Ben Geselbracht, and Erin Hemmens.

How does NRHD funding affect me?

The NHRD submits a requisition for the funds they require to the Surveyor of Taxes for the Electoral Areas and to the City of Nanaimo, District of Lantzville, City of Parksville and Town of Qualicum Beach for the Municipal Areas. These organizations are responsible for setting the tax rate and collecting funds for the NRHD.

Can I provide feedback on the NRHD budget?

Unlike local governments, Hospital Districts are not required to hold public consultations on their budgets. Questions about the budget may be directed to the RDN or Island Health.

Who can I contact for more information?

For the RDN, please contact Tiffany Moore, Chief Financial Officer at 250-390-4111 or toll-free at 1-877-607-411 or by email at tmoore [at]

For Island Health, please email [at]

Budget Bylaws & Budgets

Financial Statements