At School

At School 

Preparedness tips for families

  • Complete and return to school your child's student release forms
  • Know your school's emergency plan

(Source: North Shore Emergency Management) 

Questions to ask about a school’s emergency plans

  • How will the school communicate with families during a crisis or critical incident?
  • Does the school store adequate food, water, and other basic emergency supplies? 
  • Is the school prepared to shelter-in-place if needed?
  • Where do they plan to go if students and staff must leave the school premises? 

(Source: North Shore Emergency Management)

If an emergency or disaster occurs during school hours

  • Do not phone the school; phone lines must be kept open for emergency communications. Check the school district and/or school website for information and updates 
  • Before picking up your children, check your home first to ensure there is no danger and it is safe to return to with children 
  • Whenever possible, travel by foot to pick up children. Streets and access to the school may be cluttered with debris, and school access routes must remain clear for emergency vehicles 
  • Bring photo identification to the school. This applies to all others (19+ years) listed on student release forms 

(Source: North Shore Emergency Management) 

Your local school district

Learn about emergency preparedness and closures, staff emergency procedures (lock-down; hold and secure; room clear; shelter-in-place; evacuate, drop, cover, hold), emergency closure of schools (students). 

Preparedness resource for educators (toddlers to tweens)

Emergency preparedness squad (toddlers)

For Kindergarten to Grade 3 children, the Emergency Preparedness Squad learning modules can be a great resource. Students will become emergency preparedness heroes through this curriculum-linked content.  Ensuring your family, with the help of their superheroes, are ready when disaster strikes!  (Source: Planet Protector Academy (sponsored by Province of BC) 

Ember, the FireSmart fox (kids aged 10+)

Ember is FireSmart's official mascot. She makes for the perfect FireSmart messenger because of her unique characteristics, which include alertness, adaptability, intelligence and community mindedness. Ember’s den provides resources on how to teach students about preventing wildfires by being fire smart. (Source: FireSmart Canada) 

Master of Disaster - youth emergency preparedness (teens)

The province of BC has developed a great emergency preparedness program for youth. Check out the resources and tips developed for students and teachers - there's lots you can use at home too. 

How the program works

Master of Disaster is organized into three lessons coinciding with the steps to getting emergency prepared: 

  • Know your hazards, so you know what to prepare for 
  • Gather your supplies, to help your household stay safe and comfortable during an emergency

Program materials are organized in a teaching kit and a student kit for each learner.

  • Make a plan, to know what to do, where to go and who to contact in an emergency 

Source: Master of Disaster: Youth emergency preparedness (Province of BC) 

Teaching kit

The teaching kit includes a Teaching Guide and grab-and-go game.

The Teaching Guide explains curricular alignment and includes lesson summaries, resources, and preparation and teaching suggestions for the three lessons. 

The grab-and-go bag game creates some fun, decorates the classroom and can enhance learning during delivery of lesson two, Gather your supplies. The game includes a poster and set of 12 double-sided cards. Learners decide which side of each card is an essential grab-and-go bag item, and it’s mounted on the poster. See Classroom Resources for the game answer key.

Source: Master of Disaster: Youth emergency preparedness (Province of BC)

Student kit

Each learner needs a student kit. It includes a Get Ready Guide, a drawstring bag and Home Emergency Plan. 

The colourful Get Ready Guide student workbook has lessons, activities, games and Indigenous knowledge. 

The drawstring bag can be handed out at the end of lesson two, Gather Your Supplies. Students can use the bag to start their personal grab-and-go bag.

At the end of lesson three, Make a Plan, students can take home the fill-in-the-blanks Home Emergency Plan and complete it with their household.

Source: Master of Disaster: Youth emergency preparedness (Province of BC)

Program resources

Enhance Master of Disaster lesson preparation and explore classroom resources that include the grab-and-go bag, game answers, work sheets, letters home and a certificate of completion to celebrate student success.

Source: Master of Disaster: Youth emergency preparedness (Province of BC)

More info.

If you have questions about the Master of Disaster program, contact the Province of BC at masterofdisaster [at] (MasterOfDisaster[at]gov[dot]bc[dot]ca).

Useful links