Regional District of Nanaimo | Parks Services

Parks Services


The RDN is fortunate to have a comprehensive Regional and Community Parks and Trails System. With 12 regional parks encompassing 2,072 hectares of land, 78 kilometres of developed regional trails, and over 200 community parks in the seven electoral areas, there are plenty of opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy the benefits of having nature close at hand.

Our parks system ranges from oceanfront, lakefront and riverside properties and all the way up to alpine terrain on mountain tops. The RDN’s regional trails include frontcountry and backcountry experiences and have numerous pedestrian bridges that span the many rivers and creeks that are situated on the east coast of Vancouver Island.

The 2022 RDN Parks and Trails Strategy provides an overarching vision and strategic direction for RDN regional and community parks and trails for the next ten years. 

Print Version - Parks and Trails Strategy

 Appendix - Parks and Trails Strategy (full document)