Emergency Support Services

Emergency Support Services

Emergency Support Services (ESS) provides short-term basic support (food, shelter, emergency health care and public information) to people impacted by disasters. Funded by the Province of BC and implemented by local governments and local emergency programs during an emergency event, ESS can be offered to an evacuee for a short period of time. 

Eligibility requirements for ESS

  • If you’re able to support yourself for the first 72 hours of an emergency, you would not be eligible for ESS. For details on eligibility, see the Evacuee Living Assistance Policy (PDF, 378KB)
  • Homeowner or tenant insurance can provide better support than the ESS program. Check with your insurer to determine what may be available to you.

What can ESS do for you? 

What Does ESS do?

As an integral part of the RDN Emergency Services program, ESS can:

  • Help residents remain independent and self-sufficient by providing access to basic food, accommodation and essentials 
  • Help residents meet basic needs during the first 72 hours of a disaster
  • Reunite families separated by disaster 
  • Provide people with accurate and up-to-date information about the situation  
  • Help residents to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster 

What supports are offered?

Primary services include food, lodging, clothing, and family reunification. Specialized services include emotional support, childcare, first aid and pet care. The Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, the Salvation Army, the SPCA, amateur radio associations and many other volunteer organizations work together with RDN ESS to provide disaster assistance services.

Who receives ESS?

  • Citizens of BC who have been displaced from their residence by a disaster or emergency
  • Travellers stranded as a result of the disaster
  • Response workers on assignment during a disaster or emergency 

When is ESS provided?

ESS is provided for incidents ranging from a single-family house fire to emergencies involving mass evacuation. Examples of events in BC involving ESS include:

  • Floods
  • Fires
  • Earthquakes
  • Oil spills
  • Extreme weather 
  • Landslides

How is ESS Provided?

ESS teams are usually contacted by local first responder dispatchers requesting evacuee assistance for smaller incidents. ESS teams can also be deployed if e.g., the RDN declares a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) or a neighbouring local government requests additional ESS support for their residents. ESS teams may also provide:

  • Outreach services for shut-ins 
  • Group lodging (shelter and food) to evacuees during a major event 
  • On-site support services for emergency response workers and others affected by disaster 
  • On-site personal disaster assistance for small-scale incidents affecting one to two residences 

How long is ESS provided for?

ESS is typically available for 72 hours immediately following an emergency. Assistance may be extended, in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case basis - and only on approval from the provincial government. ESS is a short-term emergency relief that gives you enough time to plan next steps, which could include:

  • Contacting insurance agents (if relevant) 
  • Requesting assistance from family and friends 
  • Accessing additional supports from local non-profit agencies.


ESS involves many support roles

ESS would not be possible without the support of:  

Local emergency programs

Responsible for coordinating and ensuring deliver of ESS, local emergency programs also recruit and train ESS responders (both staff and volunteers). 

ESS Responders

ESS relies primarily on dedicated volunteers to coordinate support services for people displaced or directly affected by an emergency or disaster. Trained volunteers are ready to respond 24/7 to arrange for food, clothing, housing, and access to emotional support for up to 72 hours after an emergency. If you are evacuated from your residence due to an emergency or you do not have insurance against damage to your residence due to fire or other emergency events, you will be greeted and supported by caring volunteers.

ESS Response can also come from staff, and/or other contracted groups who deliver ESS. All responders act by registering evacuees, completing needs assessments, and providing basic emergency supports. Responders can be deployed locally or provincially to other communities that request assistance and must meet minimum standards by participating in emergency management and ESS training

Support organizations

Assist with ESS delivery and provide other resources to evacuees. Some support organizations are contracted by the local emergency program to deliver ESS on their behalf. 


Local businesses and organizations that have arrangements in place to provide emergency goods and services to evacuees during an emergency event. 

The success of ESS depends on the ongoing commitment of volunteers and other key stakeholders in the RDN. If you are interested in volunteering, go to our Emergency Volunteers page to learn more.