

Making yourself aware and being prepared for evacuations can be overwhelming. Local first responders can't work on incidents until life and safety issues are under control - that means you. Resisting evacuation consumes first responders' precious time.

If you receive an evacuation alert, be prepared to leave on short notice. 

If you receive an evacuation order, evacuate immediately. Delay can result in roadways being blocked by debris, flood water, smoke or rescue equipment. Listen to emergency broadcasts, pay attention to RDN Voyent Alert! notifications and follow the directions of emergency personnel and representatives from RDN. 

Evacuation tips that could safe your life

Evacuation alerts, orders, tactical evacuations, and rescinds

Depending on the severity of the situation, an Evacuation Alert or Order may be issued. It's important to understand the difference and to always follow the advice and direction of your local authority. 

  • Evacuation Alert: Be ready to leave on short notice 
  • Evacuation Order: You are at risk. Leave the area immediately 
  • Tactical evacuation: This happens when a sudden threat to life requires immediate action and there is no time to prepare or issue written warnings. These types of evacuations are often coordinated by the RCMP or local police, with assistance from other agencies 
  • Evacuation Rescinded: The risk to life and safety has now passed 

To be ready, know your hazards and follow PreparedBC's guides to prepare yourself, family, home or business in case an evacuation is ordered.

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

What to do when you receive an Evacuation Order

During an Evacuation Order, evacuees should do the following:

  • Leave the area immediately. Choosing to remain puts yourself and others in danger 
  • Follow instructions provided on where to go 
  • Visit EmergencyInfoBC or follow @EmergencyInfoBC for news and updates 
  • Wait for the evacuation to be rescinded before returning home 
  • You may be told to create a profile to access emergency support services (ESS) 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Risks and dangers of not evacuating

Receiving an Evacuation Order can be an emotional experience. You could be reluctant to leave your home and community. However, choosing to remain in an area that is under an Evacuation Order puts yourself, your family, and first responders in danger: 

  • Evacuation routes can change or become impassible 
  • Services, utilities and businesses that you rely on daily may be shut down 
  • Help may not be able to reach an evacuated area because of a risk to their own safety or access is blocked 

In other jurisdictions, fatalities have occurred when people chose to remain behind or waited too long to leave. For example, according to a report from Australia’s Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, 31% of the 552 wildfire-related fatalities in that country from 1956 to 2008 were the result of people evacuating too late after an evacuation order was issued. Another 26% of the deaths were related to people attempting to defend properties against an advancing wildfire. 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

If you're sick or have mobility concerns

If you receive an Evacuation Order and are sick or have mobility concerns:

  • Tell the person that delivers the evacuation order 
  • If possible, evacuate by your own vehicle 
  • If you're feeling ill, maintain physical distance wherever possible 
  • If you're concerned about COVID-19, speak to a responder at a reception centre 
  • Always follow guidance from your local health authority 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Where to go if you receive an Evacuation Order

Only travel to support locations designated by your Indigenous governing body or local government. Supports will not be available if you travel to a non-designated location.

Evacuees should first look to use their own resources, such as insurance, to support themselves. If you don't have your own resources the RDN Emergency Support Services (ESS) program might be able to support. You must connect with a responder at an ESS designated reception centre to receive supports. 

*If you have access to a mobile phone, you can create a profile for ESS in advance to help speed up the process at a reception centre. 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Wildfire evacuation guidance

If an Evacuation Alert is in place, be ready to leave on short notice. Take the following steps: 

  • Move patio furniture, cushions and door mats indoors  
  • Take down flammable curtains and window treatments 
  • Connect garden hoses and fill large containers with water, such as pools, hot tubs and garbage cans. This can assist firefighters and help slow advancing flames 
  • Ensure your house number is visible. This will help firefighters locate your home quickly 

Natural gas safety 

  • Do not shut off your natural gas when you receive an Evacuation Order. Your natural gas service may be turned off by your provider as a precautionary measure at the request of emergency officials 
  • If your gas is shut off at the meter, don't try to turn it back on. Only a licensed gas contractor can do that safely 

If an Evacuation Order is in place, it means you are at risk and must leave immediately 

  • On your way out close doors and windows and turn on both interior and exterior lights so your home is visible to firefighters in heavy smoke. Follow all directions from officials and evacuate using the route they've identified 
  • Disconnect automatic garage door openers so doors can be opened by hand if you lose power 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Flood evacuee guidance

If flooding is imminent but you have not yet been instructed to evacuate, follow these tips:

  • Monitor local radio stations, television news and social media for the latest information from your local authorities on sandbagging stations, possible evacuation procedures and routes 
  • If a flood warning is in effect, shut off electricity to areas that are at risk of flooding and move small appliances, electronics and smaller furniture to upper floors or areas not likely to be affected 
  • In the event of a coastal flood, stay inside where you are protected from the water. It's best to be on the downwind side of the house, away from windows 

If an Evacuation Alert is in place, be ready to leave on short notice. Take the following steps: 

  • Make sure vehicles are parked away from streams and waterways 
  • Remove toxic substances such as pesticides and insecticides from the flood area to prevent pollution 
  • Do not attempt to shut off electricity if any water is present 
  • Use sandbags to block floor drains and toilets to prevent sewage back-up 

If an Evacuation Order is in place, you are at risk and must leave immediately. Follow all directions from officials and evacuate using the route(s) they’ve identified. Heed the following advice as you evacuate:

  • Do not attempt to cross rivers or flowing streams 
  • Do not drive or walk across flooded roads. 6 inches of rushing water can knock an adult off their feet; 2 feet of water can carry away most vehicles, including trucks and SUVs 
  • In the event of a coastal flood, do not go near the shoreline; getting caught near the shoreline during a coastal flood could be life-threatening 
  • If your car begins to flood, abandon it quickly and head to higher ground 

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Financial assistance

After a disaster, the provincial government may declare the event eligible for disaster financial assistance (DFA).

Source: Emergency evacuee guidance for the public (Province of British Columbia) 

Who authorizes an evacuation?

Whether you need to leave your home due to a quickly approaching fire, or because of rising flood waters, or other emergency reasons, you should be aware of Evacuation Alerts and Orders, what they mean and how to prepare yourself and your family. Depending on the nature of the emergency, B.C. has several legal Acts which authorize evacuations: 

  • B.C. permits the head of a local authority (i.e. Board Chair of the RDN) to declare a State of Local Emergency which then allows the RDN to order an evacuation should it be absolutely necessary 
  • An Incident Commander at the scene of an emergency can action an evacuation on an 'ad hoc' basis for people at risk from unique emergency situations that occur with little or no warning and require immediate evacuation for life safety. Support from the local authority Emergency Operations Centre will take place from that point on 
  • An evacuation can also be ordered by the Minister responsible for the Emergency Disaster Management Act if a provincial State of Emergency is declared 
  • The order to evacuate can be given by the B.C. Fire Commissioner under the Fire Services Act and Forest Act 
  • Ministry responsible for Health - the minister or local health board - Health Act - Chapter 161, Sec. 60/62 
  • Ministry responsible for the Environment - Minister or designate - Waste Management Act 
  • Ministry responsible for Energy Mines - Energy and Minerals Division - Mines Act Health Safety and Reclamation Code - Subject: page 3 

Learn more: 

Evacuation Plans Reception Centres Group Lodging