Your Pet(s)

Your Pet(s)

Of course, you love your pet(s)! Planning is essential - it could save your pet's life and make yours much easier during an emergency.

View Emergency Management BC's prepare your pets guide.

  1. Acquire a pet carrier (portable carrier) or crate for each house pet and familiarize the pet with the portable kennel
  2. Be sure your pet's vaccinations and records are up to date.
  3. Have a leash and properly fitting collar with current license or ID tag and vaccinations - a valid license is the best way to reunite owners and dogs.
  4. Determine the best location in your home to place your pets during an emergency. Site should be away from windows and in a utility area, bathroom, kitchen or easily cleaned area.
  5. Get an ample supply of *dry pet food.
  6. Get plenty of newspaper kitty litter, plastic bags, cleanser and disinfectants to properly handle pet waste.
  7. Have non-spill water and food bowls.
  8. Have a week's supply of any medications that your pet is taking.
  9. Have photographs of your pets to aid in the identification of your pet should it stray during an emergency
  10. A blanket or towels should be a part of your Pet Emergency Kit.

If you plan to leave your house and leave your pet(s) behind, remember;

  1. Birds must eat daily to survive. Use special food and water dispensers if you must leave them behind.
  2. Never leave a cat with a dog even if the two are normally friendly.
  3. Provide access to high places, such as counter tops, in case flooding occurs.
  4. Difficult or dangerous animals should be left in special crates or cages to reduce the possibility of them getting loose.

*Store dry pet food in a plastic container in your freezer to extend shelf life.