RDN Alerts
Voyent Alert! allows RDN residents, businesses or visitors to receive alert notifications through an app on your cell phone, text message, voice call or email for critical events such as floods, wildfires or other local emergencies. As a subscriber to Voyent Alert! you can also opt-in or opt-out of day-to-day services notifications for RDN recreation and parks, watermain flushing and more.
Registration for the RDN Voyent Alert! service is FREE, simple and anonymous. You can choose how you would like to receive alerts, either through a mobile app, email, text message or phone call.
How to register
- Step 1: Watch the short video: Registration tutorial - Voyent Alert! for tips.
- Step 2: Learn about registering for the RDN's Alerting System, Voyent Alert!
- Step 3: Register
- Mobile App Users: Download and install the Voyent Alert! app from the Apple or Google Play app stores.
- Email, Phone or SMS (Text message): Click here to register for email, phone call or text-based alerts.
Need support? Call 250-390-4111 or 1-877-607-4111 or email emergencyservices@rdn.bc.ca.
Important: If you were signed up for alerts with the RDN's old emergency notification system, Connect Rocket, you will need to register with Voyent Alert! to continue receiving notifications.
Also used by our neighbouring local governments
The City of Nanaimo, Town of Qualicum Beach and City of Parksville also use the Voyent Alert! notification system. You can choose to receive alerts from Voyent Alert! for any or all of these communities. If you already have the App downloaded to your cell phone, you can register online to receive email, phone call or text-based alerts. When registering, select the RDN and District of Lantzville if you would like to receive emergency and information (service) alerts for the RDN Electoral Areas A, B, C, E, F, G and H and the District of Lantzville.
Unsure which RDN electoral area or district you live in? Go to RDN Public Viewer and type your home address into the RDN's interactive GIS (Geographical Information Systems) map to confirm.
Frequently Asked Questions
Voyent Alert is the same system used by the City of Nanaimo, City of Parksville and Town of Qualicum Beach - you can receive alerts for any of the areas you work or live in the region. You may have already subscribed to one or more of these areas. If so, you can also subscribe to receive notifications for the RDN Electoral Areas and the District of Lantzville by going to the registration website and entering an address or postal code within the areas you would like.
If you were registered on the RDN’s old system, Connect Rocket you must register on Voyent Alert to continue to receive notices.
This system can send geographically referenced alerts meaning you only receive alerts for the locations you choose for example home, work or school as well as location services will allow you to receive messages relevant to your current location. You can choose your areas by either entering an address, postal code or dropping a pin.
Emergency notifications will contain information such as your current distance to the incident, preferred evacuation routes, maps, images and web links.
You can also choose to receive other RDN information notifications including recreation and parks alerts, watermain flushing, service alerts and more. These alerts can be targeted to a specific geographic area, so residents only receive updates related to what they choose.
You can unsubscribe from any Voyent Alert! topics (notification types) you do not want to receive. Here's how:
Go to the Voyent log in page an enter the phone number or email you registered with and complete the verification process Click the menu icon on the top right of the screen/ page and choose my topics. Under my topics you can click on or off which topics you would like to hear from.
If you signed up to receive voice call alerts, you would receive alerts from the RDN's general inquiries number 250-390-4111. You may wish to program this number to your contacts and "safe to disturb" list.
For more information you can check out the FAQ and the Voyent Alert Privacy Policy.