New Homes: BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Code

BC Energy Step Code Requirements
Since May 1, 2023, B.C. has mandated an increase in the base energy efficiency requirement for new buildings by 20 per cent. This is equivalent to:
When you apply for a building permit from the RDN building inspection services after May 1, 2023, you’ll need to comply with this 20 per cent better requirement.
The recent updates to the building code have also introduced the Zero Carbon Step Code, which is an optional standard for measuring operational carbon emissions in buildings. To learn more about this, visit Building Inspection Services.
What is the Zero Carbon Step Code?
The Zero Carbon Step Code sets a maximum annual amount of greenhouse gas emissions that each building is allowed to emit. The amount for each building is based on the proposed occupancy and the size of the building. The primary metric that is used is kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per square meter, per year (kg CO2e/m2/year). The details of the standards can be found on the provincial BC Energy Step Code website and the convenience copy of the BC Building Code update.
Similar to the BC Energy Step Code, the Zero Carbon Step Code has four levels each with a specific intent outlined below:
- Emissions Level 1: Measure-only (requires measurement of a building’s emissions without reductions and is intended to build knowledge and capacity)\
- Emissions Level 2: Moderate Carbon Performance (in most cases, will require electrification of either space heating or domestic hot water systems)
- Emissions Level 3: Strong Carbon Performance (in most cases, will require electrification of both space heating and domestic hot water systems)
- Emissions Level 4: Zero Carbon Performance (in most cases will require the full electrification of a building)
Resources for New Homes:
- Other Green Building Guidebooks
- CleanBC New Construction Program
- Find a Registered Contractor
- Contact a Clean BC Better Homes Energy Coach through their online form External link icon or by phone 1-844-881-9790.
Available Incentives
To support the move to high performance building, there are numerous rebates accessible for New Homes. Visit the links below to find rebates for your project.