

We live in an active earthquake region. In fact, B.C. averages approximately 1,200 earthquakes per year. Most are too small to be felt, but an earthquake capable of causing structural damage is expected to occur somewhere in the province about once every decade. There is a one in three probability that a major, damaging earthquake will occur in the next 50 years. We never know when "the big one" might happen, but we know one will occur in our area - it's just a matter of time.

You only have seconds. Do you know what to do when the ground starts shaking?

The Great BC ShakeOut earthquake drill takes place across North America on the third Thursday of every October. Millions of participants worldwide will simultaneously practice the recommended action during an earthquake, 'Drop, Cover and Hold On'. Register yourself, your community or your organization today. 

Resources, Tips, Guides, Links

We live in an active earthquake region Tsunami Hazard Port Alberni A magnitude 9.2 earthquake in Alaska triggered a massive tsunami with waves that grew to more than six metres in Port Alberni. No one died, but an estimated 250 buildings were damaged. Photograph by: File , PNG Archive