Lighthouse Country Regional Trail
The trail is separated into north and south sections, providing a great introduction to the beauty of our rare Coastal Douglas-fir forest. The north loop and adjacent Wildwood Community Park provide about 2 kilometres of footpath popular with walkers and equestrians, while the south section offers about 2.5 kilometres of wheelchair accessible trail. Along the south section, enjoy benches, picnic tables, wood carvings, and a continuous tapping rail for the visually or balance impaired.
Work out while walking the trail: Fresh Air Fitness is a series of exercises, designed to be fit with the Lighthouse Country Regional Trail, that offer a full body workout.
Construction of the Nile Creek pedestrian bridge and trails to connect the north and south sections of the regional trail are underway and expected to be complete in Q1 2025. The new trail includes boardwalks and stairs. Sections of the south loop of the trail have been resurfaced and some small bridges have been replaced with culverts to improve maintenance access. Baffle barriers at the Lioness Boulevard railway crossing have been spaced further apart to improve accessibility for mobility scooters, wheelchairs, strollers and bicycles.