Links to Resources and FAQS

2022 General Local Elections Information and Links to Resources

Provincial Guides

General Local Elections 101 This brochure answers a few of the basic questions about local government elections, the election process and participants.

Regional District of Nanaimo Resources


Elections BC

Election Signage

Placement and Timing

Elections BC does not regulate where and when signs may be placed. However, local governments have the authority to regulate the size, placement, maintenance and removal of signs and other forms of public advertising. 

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure regulates sign placement on provincial highways and roadways. Signage may only be erected in highway rights-of-way during the permitted sign placement period (campaign period), which begins on September 17 and ends on October 15, 2022, with signs to be removed the day following the election. Please refer to the Ministry’s policy at

The RDN only regulates the placement of signs in electoral areas, not the timing. Please refer to Election Signs and Advertising and Sign Bylaw No. 993 for more information.

Generally, all election advertising (e.g., signs, posters, brochures, billboard and commercials) transmitted during the ‘pre-campaign and the campaign period’ must include information about who sponsored and authorized the ad. Election advertising as set out in the Local Election Campaign Financing Act, s. 7 (LECFA) is not restricted to during the campaign period, and includes the pre-campaign period. Visit  Local Elections Campaign Financing Act ( for more information.

For more information, contact Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 or electionsbc [at] (electionsbc[at]elections[dot]bc[dot]ca) and visit