Well Water Testing Rebate

Well Water Testing Rebate

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Status: The Well Water Testing Rebate is currently open and accepting applications for 2025. If you meet the eligibility requirements of the rebate listed below, you can submit completed forms and documentation.

Property owners with private domestic wells are responsible for the quality of their drinking water supply. By regularly testing your water, you can ensure your well water is safe to consume and that it is not a conduit for contamination to the shared groundwater supply.

This incentive program rebates 50 percent off (up to a maximum rebate of $300) well water quality tests to applicants that meet the eligibility requirements. 


Who can apply

This rebate program is available to all residential property owners with a private domestic well in the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), including electoral areas A, B, C, E, F, G, H, and member municipalities Nanaimo, Lantzville, Parksville, Qualicum Beach.

Eligibility requirements

  • Must be a residential land owner with a private domestic well within the RDN. Water purveyors and commercial properties are not eligible. 
  • Well water tests must include both chemical and bacterial analysis (Total Coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli), pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Hardness, Nitrate, Nitrite, Sulphate, Fluoride, Chloride, and an elemental metals scan).
  • Well water tests must be completed by a provincially approved lab.
  • Each private domestic well is eligible for one rebate every five years.
  • RDN issued identification number must be submitted to the lab with the well water sample.


In the region, approximately 42% of residents depend on groundwater for drinking water; many of these residents have their own private well that they manage. Improperly constructed or poorly maintained wells can act as a direct pathway for surface contaminants such as manure, petroleum products, and fertilizers to enter the groundwater. To assist residents in maintaining and improving groundwater quality in rural areas, the RDN incentives sampling of private domestic wells through the Well Water Testing Rebate (rebate). 

Island Health recommends bacteria testing one to three times a year. Ideally, tests are performed during high rains when surface water could more readily contaminate groundwater, whenever major work is completed on main plumbing lines, the well pump or wellhead; or whenever someone with decreased immune functions will be consuming your well water (e.g., elderly, young children, auto-immune disorder, etc.). Full chemical analysis is recommended every three to five years, or if you notice a change in your water quality.  

Rebate process

  • Private well owners submit a pre-approval application.
  • Allow up to six (6) weeks for processing all forms.
  • If approved, you will receive an RDN issued identification number that must be submitted to the lab with your results. 
  • Take and submit your sample to your choice of provincially approved labs.
  • Once you have completed the analysis with the lab, submit a claim form with the required documentation.
  • If you have met the program requirements, a rebate will be issued to you. 
  • After five years have passed since the well on your property has received a rebate, well owners can reapply. 
  • A limited number of rebates are available. Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis.

How the rebate works

Step 1: Submit the pre-approval application

Complete the rebate pre-approval application form and send it electronically to watermonitoring [at] rdn.bc.ca (watermonitoring[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca), or by mail or in person to Drinking Water & Watershed Protection, Regional District of Nanaimo, 6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N2.

Step 2: Prepare

  • Attend a free webinar or learn more about how to maintain and care for your well, rdn.bc.ca/wellsmart.
  • Determine which laboratory and analysis package to select, and how to get your sample to the lab.
  • Pick up water sample bottles from the locations listed online or contact your selected lab to see if a sample package can be mailed to you.
  • Review the well water sampling procedure, confirm hours and days samples are accepted, and know how to get your sample to the lab within the required timeframe. 

Step 3: Taking a water sample

Fill out the labs chain of custody or requisition form, write on your sample bottles the RDN issued identification number, date, time, address, your name, and "RDN Rebate". Follow the proper sample collection procedures. Sample can be taken by the well owner or a professional.

Step 4: Receiving your rebate

Applicants that are pre-approved will receive an RDN issued identification number that must be recorded on your laboratory requisition form and your sample bottles to receive the rebate. Submit your sample to the lab, once you have paid for the analysis and received your results, submit a claim form to the RDN with the required documentation. 

Allow up to six (6) weeks for processing of forms. 

If you have met all the program requirements, a cheque for 50 percent off (up to a maximum rebate of $300) will be mailed to the property owner. 

How to get your sample to the laboratory

IMPORTANT: Samples must be tested by chosen laboratory within 24 hours of collection from your tap to ensure sufficient microbiology preservation. Please take sample as shortly as possible before courier drop-off for maximum microbiology retention. When transporting yourself, keep sample in a cooler to maintain a sample temperature of 4°C.

Vancouver Island Laboratories

Drop off at lab is available for both options. Many same-day delivery options are also available; courier fees are eligible for rebate.
  • Bureau Veritas: 2755B Moray Avenue, Courtenay, B.C., V9N 8M9
  • MB Labs: 2062 Henry Avenue West, Sidney, B.C., V8L 5Y1

Metro Vancouver Laboratories

Many same day oversea delivery options are available to transport your sample to your chosen lab within the 24-hour timeframe. Courier fees are eligible for rebate.
  • ALS Environmental: 8081 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3C8
  • AGAT Labs: 3681 1st Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V5M 1C2

Where to get bottles and take your sample

Where to get bottles and take your sample
Pick up sample bottles Take your sample

ABC Water Systems

9-2180 South Wellington Road, Nanaimo



AGAT Laboratories

3681 1st Avenue, Vancouver


Yes. Drop off at lab or arrange a courier. Website: www.agatlabs.com. Email: bshi [at] agatlabs.com 

ALS Environmental

8081 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby


Yes. Drop off at lab or arrange a courier. Website: www.alsglobal.com. Email: kevin.bhikadia [at] alsglobal.com

Arbutus Home Building Centre

785 Ross Way, Gabriola Island



Bureau Veritas Laboratories 

2775 B Moray Avenue, Courtenay


Yes. Drop off sample at Courtenay Service Centre or arrange a courier. Website: bvlabs.tfdev.ca. Email: customersolutionswest [at] bureauveritas.com (customersolutionswest[at]bureauveritas[dot]com).

Iritex Pumps and Irrigation

976 Price Road, Parksville



MB Laboratories

2062 West Henry Avenue, Sidney


Yes. Drop off sample at Sidney office or arrange a courier. Website: mblabs.com. Email: info [at] mblabs.com. 

Red Williams Well Drilling

1125 Smithers Road, Parksville



Regional District of Nanaimo

6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo



Well water sampling procedure

Taking a water sample

  • Sample can be taken by homeowner or professional.
  • Only sterilized, unused bottles can be used.
  • Fill out the lab's chain of custody or requisition form that comes with the bottles.
  • Write your name, date, time, address and RDN issued identification number on your sample bottles.
  • Follow the proper sample collection procedures.

Summary sample procedure

  • Confirm hours and days samples are accepted with lab/courier.
  • Wash hands well and take care not to contaminate your sample. 
  • Take the sample directly from the tap, if possible, and remove the aerator.
  • Disinfect tap. Run cold water at full force for 2 – 5 minutes.
  • Fill the bottle to the fill line or bottom of the neck. Secure lid. 
  • Place the sample in a clean cooler with ice, lab requisition form, and RDN-issued voucher. 
  • Take directly to lab/courier. Samples need to be received by the lab within 24 hours.

Additional details at rdn.bc.ca/water-quality-testing

Your results

Sharing results

When you apply for a Well Water Testing Rebate you agree to share your water quality test results with the RDN m allowing Drinking Water and Watershed Protection program staff to view your water quality results. By sharing your results, you help to enhance the understanding of groundwater quality in the region and contribute to increasing the knowledge base of regional decision makers, supporting water quality trend analysis. Any reporting of results will be anonymous, and none of your personal information will be shared. 

On the pre-approval application you can choose to share your results with the Province of B.C. for provincial groundwater research. Your personal information will not be shared, only the water quality test result and aquifer location will be shared. 

Interpreting your results

Using a third-party accredited and provincially approved laboratory allows homeowners to confidently compare their well water test results to the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines.

The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines lay out which parameters have aesthetic objectives (taste, smell, and odour) and/or maximum allowable concentrations for health implications. These guidelines also indicate which parameters can impact water quality treatment systems.

Where can I find my well ID number

Each well can have up to two identification numbers with the province. All groundwater wells drilled after the Water Sustainability Act (2016) came into effect will have both identification numbers assigned: the well plate ID and a well tag number. The plate ID is a metal plate the well driller attaches to the wellhead when the well is drilled or upgraded. A well tag number is assigned when the province processes the drillers log submitted by the well driller and uploads the well record to the provincial Groundwater Wells Database. 

If your well does not have a provincial plate ID or your well is not listed on the groundwater wells database, click here to learn more about well registration.

Provincially approved labs

For the rebate voucher to be honoured, samples must be taken to a provincially approved lab.

Under the Environmental Management Act (2003) regulation, an approved laboratory means a laboratory registered with the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) as participating in the Association’s Inter-laboratory Comparison Program. CALA maintains a Directory of Accredited Laboratories (directory) which based on the Associations’ Inter-laboratory Comparison Program’s proficiency testing, are competent to perform specified chemical analyses. The directory is essentially a subset of the larger CALA Directory, comprised primarily of CALA accredited laboratories located in British Columbia and Alberta.

There are four provincially approved labs that samples can be couriered or taken to. Two of these are on Vancouver Island: Bureau Veritas Laboratories and MB Laboratories. And, two of these are on the mainland: ALS Environmental and AGAT Laboratories. 

For a full list of accredited labs in British Columbia, visit nrs.gov.bc.ca/qualified-labs.

Useful Links


Visit Wellhead Upgrades and Well Water Testing Frequently Asked Questions

For additional inquiries, call 250-390-6560 or email watermonitoring [at] rdn.bc.ca (watermonitoring[at]rdn[dot]bc[dot]ca)

The vision of the RDN's Drinking Water & Watershed Protection program is for healthy, safe, and resilient water resources in the region. Learn more at dwwp.ca