Interactive WebMap - Help and Instructions

2005 Local Government Elections
Interactive WebMap - Help and Instructions
The Map is provided as a tool to you to find out which Electoral Area you live in. It is valid only for residents of the RDN Electoral Areas.
Click Here to launch the Interactive WebMap
[Please read all of the instructions below before entering the Map]
You can search by using your house address or the legal information of your property such as PID number or the folio number which can be found on your property assessment or tax notices.
The address search is the most simple: Try with example: 2300 EVANSHIRE CRES
- Look for the 'Quick Search' tool located above the map,
- The drop down provides a choice of look-up tools,
- Select 'Find House by House Number ONLY',
- Click inside the empty box below the tool selection box,
- Enter your house number ( just the number, no spaces, no road name ),
- Click on the 'Search' button to the right, (Do not click on the Lookup Button as this will generate an error.)
- A selection window will open to the right of the map. It will show a list of all addresses in the district with that number. One of them should be yours.
- Click on your address. It should now be the only highlighted one,
- Click on the 'Zoom to' button at the bottom of the Selection window,
- The map should now change so that it is displaying your property, (The labels on the map will display the Electoral Area and if you are in a referendum area.)
- Click on the 'Get More Information' Tool. The tools are stacked along the right side of the map. This tool is labelled with the letter ' i ', (Now it is active, the tool icon will have a green background.)
- Click once with the cursor inside your property,
- A new window will appear with more information from the various map layers. Use the drop down tool to select the map layer.
For more help call (250) 390 6538 or (250) 954 3798