2013 Green Building Series
The theme for this year's Green Building Series is "Building Local Resilience". The presentations and tours aim to help residents in our region develop a greater capacity to adapt to changes we may or may not foresee. Making better use of resources and preparing for prolonged disaster recovery periods are things we can do now in order to be in a better position to restore the order and quality of lives during challenging times.Registration for the Green Building Series is available by calling: 1-888-828-2069
Dream Home Goes Green
Are you planning to build a new home? There are many opportunities at the planning and design stage that could help create a place that brings a high level of satisfaction, avoid costly and unnecessary headaches, capitalize the potential of a unique site, and cost very little to run for years to come. Local architects and designers will share their insights on how to approach design when it comes to creating a 'green' home, discuss options on building materials, construction methods, energy systems, and how to select or work with contractors and trades.- Nanoose Library Hall, 2489 Nanoose Road, Nanoose Bay
Thu Sept 19, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Free
Presented by Mark Ashby, Mark Ashby Architecture | Presentation - Gabriola Commons, 675 North Road, Gabriola Island
Sun Sept 22, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Free
Presented by Mark Ashby, Mark Ashby Architecture | Presentation - Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach
Sun Sept 29, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Free
Presented by Bruce Fleming-Smith, Oceanside Design | Presentation
Save it for a Sunny Day: Rainwater Harvesting Options
On the coast, winter rain is plentiful - and free! Why not catch it and save it for the dry months? Local experts from Rainwater Connection will provide hands-on examples of rainwater system components and discuss different design options so that you can use "sky water" to irrigate your garden.- Cedar Heritage Centre, 1644 MacMillan Road, Cedar
Sat Sept 21, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Free
Presented by Bob Burgess, Rainwater Connection | Presentation
Building Disaster Resilience in Your Own Backyard
When natural disasters strike, you may have to figure out how to survive on your own for one week or possibly a month. Are you prepared? Our Emergency Coordinator will walk you through all the steps you can take to build disaster resilience and improve your emergency preparedness on your own property, from getting necessary energy and water supply, maintaining sanitation, producing and storing food, to looking after family, pets and livestock.- Lantzville Council Chamber, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville
Sat Sept 21 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Free
Presented by Jani Drew, Regional District of Nanaimo | Presentation - Errington War Memorial Hall, 1390 Errington Road, Errington
Sat Sept 28 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Free
Presented by Fiona MacInnes, Regional District of Nanaimo | Presentation
Residential Renewable Energy Systems
Do you wish you have a backup energy source when there is a power outage? Do you have a cabin in the remote area that could use a clean and reliable power source? Or maybe you would like to know how to produce your own energy and offset your hydro bills? If your answer is yes, this presentation is for you. Local experts will explain renewable energy systems that harness solar energy, wind power or the power of running water in residential applications. The costs and the logistics of various renewable energy systems will also be discussed.- Oliver Woods Community Centre, 6000 Oliver Road, Nanaimo
Thu Sept 26 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Free
Presented by Scott Fleenor, Terratek Energy Solutions | Presentation - Vancouver Island University Centre for Shellfish Research Deep Bay Field Station, 370 Crome Point Road, Deep Bay
Sat Sept 28 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Free
Presented by Scott Fleenor, Terratek Energy Solutions | Presentation
Guided Rain Garden Tour
Saturday, Oct 5th, start at 2 pm sharp (Meeting in the parking lot in front of City of Nanaimo Service and Resource Centre at 411 Dunsmuir St.)Hop on the shuttle and visit three unique rain garden and bioswale sites in the City. Local experts will explain the design and functions of these alternative systems that mimic the nature. Not only do these systems provide the valuable service of draining stormwater, but they are also attractive features that add values and sometimes unexpected benefits to the area.
Green Building Open Houses
Sunday Oct 6th, various timesAddresses of open houses will be given upon registration
1. Eco-Home in Yellow Point, 1 pm to 4 pm

Click Here to view a video describing this house.
For more information about the project, please contact Emanuel Homes Ltd. through emanuelhomes [at] gmail.com (emanuelhomes[at]gmail[dot]com).
2. Crossan Heritage House in Nanaimo, 10 am to 4 pm

For more information about the project, please contact Ken Connolly at Pheasant Hill Homes Ltd. His email is ken [at] buildbetterhomes.ca (ken[at]buildbetterhomes[dot]ca).
3. Multi-Generation Residence in Qualicum Beach, 10 am to 4 pm

For more information, visit the owners' blog at www.agreenhearth.com or contact Bruce Fleming-Smith at Oceanside Design at www.oceansidedesign.ca.