RDN News Release - Nanoose Bay Reservoir Improvement Project - Alternative Approval Process

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is proposing a project to accommodate planned growth and improve the long-term fire protection and drinking water infrastructure in the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area (NBPWSA) in Electoral Area E, Nanoose Bay. The proposed project will include the renewal of the existing Arbutus Reservoir and the construction of one additional reservoir on Notch Hill. These water service improvements are necessary to meet future water demand, security and safety requirements and are not considered to be optional.

Funding for this project requires borrowing on behalf of the property owners in the NBPWSA. For the project to go ahead, affected electors must approve the following bylaw through the alternative approval process (AAP):

  • Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area Reservoir Improvement Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1911, 2024

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